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Fire Retardant Polyurethane: VeriQuel®, Advanced Flame Retardant Solutions
With VeriQuel®, ICL provides advanced flame retardant (FR) solutions for polyurethane applications. These highly effective FRs act as a drop-in replacements for TCPP (tris (1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate) & TDCP (tris (1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate), meeting multiple fire safety standards. VeriQuel® is a reactive all phosphorus line of flame retardant solutions developed by ICL for rigid and flexible polyurethane… Continue reading Fire Retardant Polyurethane: VeriQuel®, Advanced Flame Retardant Solutions
With VeriQuel®, ICL provides advanced flame retardant (FR) solutions for polyurethane applications. These highly effective FRs act as a drop-in replacements for TCPP (tris (1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate) & TDCP (tris (1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate), meeting multiple fire safety standards. VeriQuel® is a reactive all phosphorus line of flame retardant solutions developed by ICL for rigid and flexible polyurethane… Continue reading Fire Retardant Polyurethane: VeriQuel®, Advanced Flame Retardant Solutions

FRs for EVery need: Fire safety in the electric vehicle era
The latest advancements in technology are changing the world of transportation, and efficient energy consumption is a major trend driving vehicle innovation. The Net Zero initiative is motivating the vehicle industry to abandon fossil fuels and embrace the electric revolution with both hands. Technological developments are accelerating the transition from traditional car engines to efficient… Continue reading FRs for EVery need: Fire safety in the electric vehicle era
The latest advancements in technology are changing the world of transportation, and efficient energy consumption is a major trend driving vehicle innovation. The Net Zero initiative is motivating the vehicle industry to abandon fossil fuels and embrace the electric revolution with both hands. Technological developments are accelerating the transition from traditional car engines to efficient… Continue reading FRs for EVery need: Fire safety in the electric vehicle era
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Fire Retardant Polyurethane: VeriQuel®, Advanced Flame Retardant Solutions
With VeriQuel®, ICL provides advanced flame retardant (FR) solutions for polyurethane applications. These highly effective FRs act as a drop-in replacements...

FRs for EVery need: Fire safety in the electric vehicle era
The latest advancements in technology are changing the world of transportation, and efficient energy consumption is a major trend driving vehicle...
Unleash Mineral Power: Applying Magnesium to Textiles with TextiMagTM
In recent years, innovative technology has made people rethink the relationship between their clothing and bad odors. As a result, the...
Safety Without Interference: Developing Flame Retardants for High end application PCBs
Nothing sits still in our fast-paced world – especially modern technology. Technological advancements have increased our reliance on data, and as...
Under the MAGnifying Glass: Exploring the Wonders of Magnesium
In this article, we're examining magnesium – where it comes from, how it helps our body, why magnesium supplements are so...
MERQUEL®: The mercury emissions difference-maker
ICL’s MERQUEL® products are utilized by coal-fired power stations and incinerators worldwide as key components for effective mercury emissions control.
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Fire Retardant Polyurethane: VeriQuel®, Advanced Flame Retardant Solutions
With VeriQuel®, ICL provides advanced flame retardant (FR) solutions for polyurethane applications. These highly effective FRs act as a drop-in replacements...

FRs for EVery need: Fire safety in the electric vehicle era
The latest advancements in technology are changing the world of transportation, and efficient energy consumption is a major trend driving vehicle...
Unleash Mineral Power: Applying Magnesium to Textiles with TextiMagTM
In recent years, innovative technology has made people rethink the relationship between their clothing and bad odors. As a result, the...
Safety Without Interference: Developing Flame Retardants for High end application PCBs
Nothing sits still in our fast-paced world – especially modern technology. Technological advancements have increased our reliance on data, and as...
Under the MAGnifying Glass: Exploring the Wonders of Magnesium
In this article, we're examining magnesium – where it comes from, how it helps our body, why magnesium supplements are so...
MERQUEL®: The mercury emissions difference-maker
ICL’s MERQUEL® products are utilized by coal-fired power stations and incinerators worldwide as key components for effective mercury emissions control.
TexFRon®: A new generation of BFRs for textile applications
ICL's high-durability BFR series offers a better alternative to traditional flame retardants for fabrics.
Dead Sea MAG®: The natural ice melter for pet-friendly homes
Many deicers promise to melt ice quickly and effectively, but neglect an issue of utmost importance: pet safety. Dead Sea MAG®,...
Scoralite®: Enhancing the benefits of calcium carbonate
Scoralite®, the calcium carbonate developed by Scora under GMP standards, offers a long list of unmatched advantages.
BromoQuel®: A safety solution that simplifies bromine leakage incident treatment
Relying on an innovative mindset, ICL developed a cutting-edge solution that enhances bromine safety.
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