Home Our Business Bromine safety
Promoting better bromine safety

Bromine safety

Promoting better bromine safety

Committed to bromine safety, ICL developed BromoQuel® – a patented bromine neutralization system that redefines bromine leakage incident treatment.

Bromine is used on a global scale to develop a wide range of applications. Manufacturing plants, storage facilities, research laboratories and transportation companies must exercise stringent safety measures during bromine handling. In case of a leakage incident, strict emergency protocols must be deployed by first response teams.

During leakage incidents, reaching the source can be quite challenging and may not be efficient from a time standpoint. Equipped with the notion that all facility personnel – including emergency teams – could benefit from an advanced bromine safety solution, our R&D team developed an extinguisher containing a custom-made bromine complexing agent formulation solution. While not replacing the traditional bromine leak treatment, BromoQuel® introduces an initial first response that is quicker and very effective – and can capture bromine in both liquid and gas form. BromoQuel® is easy-to-use, required no prior skills or training, and most importantly, enhances human and environmental safety.

For more information on BromoQuel®, download the product brochure and explore the following in-depth article.



A bromine neutralization system that helps provide a quick and safe first response to bromine leakage incidents.
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