Home Our Business Signalor™


Signalor™ is a patented and innovative signal molecule technology that uses biomimicry to fight biofilm in industrial applications such as cooling systems, paper mills and membrane plants. Signalor™ cleans biofilm complementary to biocides, reducing the amount of biocide needed.

Only a small amount (in the range of ppb level) of the signal molecule (cis-2-decenoic acid) is needed to create a biofilm cleaning effect. Once Signalor™ triggers biofilm structure disruption, the bacteria become more susceptible to biocides.

Signalor™ is a cost-effective alternative to conventional biofilm treatments. It is administered through simple dosing via a ready-to-use diluted solution. 

CAS Number


Key Benefits

  • Reduces the amount of biocides needed for treatment
  • Fully compatible with polyamide made membranes
  • Reduces CIPs frequency and lowers maintenance costs
  • Solves membrane, pipe and filter clogging, thus reducing energy consumption and pressure escalations
  • Reduces product quality failures due to biofilm

CDA content

HPLC (assay, %w/v)


Clear, colorless to pale yellow


0.9-1.1 g/mL

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